Happy New Year to you my beautiful friends!

Imagine a world where you order something online and couple of hours later it turns up at your door step….it is certainly not the case here…we have still no internet, still on low phone signals and now the phone data is also running low ..we are going cold turkey…😲 but country folks don’t care if there’s heat or water or internet and other luxuries as they enjoy the simple joys of life….and I am city-born and bred-adopted country life girl, getting the hang of a rural life slowly but surely.

After all we wanted space, lakes, nature, freedom and for our kid to play and enjoy outdoors….!


The internet situation will be sorted hopefully in a day or two and I will upload a brand new post for you all, until then let me leave you with a reminder of one of my all time favourite recipe and YouTube how-to video! (Click below at the link or the pic)

Pasta Alla Bologna

This fun to cook adaptation of this classic is a super speedy fix for a busy weekday family dinner.



